Saturday 28 April 2012

Knackered is Not the Word - Rehab: Day 25

I am soooo tired! As soon as I got home I had to nap twice so as it's Saturday tomorrow I'm going to sleep until I wake up naturally. I'll write more about today after I've had another nap, I'm far too tired to keep writing.


My nap may have turned into 13 hours of sleep but hey I was tired. On the upside though I felt better for it. As for what I managed to do rehab wise I was able to walk with one stick only! It was only across the road to the Co-Op and back and it was incredibly tiring but I did it.

The swelling in my leg still isn't going down and it's been more sore that normal. I'm not sure whether the increased pain is due to my increased activity (going to work etc) or whether it's because of something else. I'm going to the hospital on Monday to get refitted for my compression stockings so I'll ask the team there what they think. If they can't give me any advice then I'll ask Dr. Mannering my hematologist what he thinks on Thursday.

I also finished my 120mg + 80mg Clexane series so tomorrow I'll be on 100mg x2. Unfortunately it looks like the 100mgs have the same needle size as the 120mgs - I was hoping to have a little needle like the 80mgs but I guess I'll just have to put up with the bigger one for 20 days.

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